Attendance, Absences, and Tardies
A. A written excuse, signed by the parents, or doctor’s note is required within 5 days of the absence, for each absence from school. The nature of the absence determines whether it is excusable.
B. Excused absences include the following:
1. Illnesses
2. Family emergencies
3. Pre-Arranged doctor and dentist appointments
4. Authorized school activities
5. Special and religious holidays observed by the student’s faith
6. Conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to the child’s health
C. Students checking out of school before 11:00 will be counted absent.
D. A student cannot receive an adequate education with chronic absences. Students should attend school every day.
E. If a child misses seven (7) days during any semester, his/her name will be reported to the school social worker. If a student misses more than ten (10) days, parents will be requested to have a conference with the school principal.
F. Instruction begins at 7:50 a.m.; therefore, any student arriving after that time will be marked as tardy. Children who are tardy should check in with the office before reporting to the classroom so their names may be removed from the absentee list.
Check-out Procedures
For the safety and management of our students, we do not allow student check-outs between 2:00-2:30. The office will no longer call students for check-out during these times except in case of emergency. Also, please do not check your student out before 2:00 unless absolutely necessary (i.e. Dr. appt.). This will help us to prevent disruptions to classroom instructional time.